1. What's the secret to a happy marriage? Don't clean your glasses too often.

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The Best Dad Jokes That Will Have The Whole Family Laughing

MAYA HILL · Jan 8, 2025

There's something about dad jokes that make people light up with excitement and giddiness, no matter their age. Everyone loves to make people laugh, but it's really more than that. It's also a form of connection on a social level with fellow friends and family. It also helps you grow your understanding of wit, timing, and language. The trouble is, it's easy to run out of dad jokes to tell - but no more, with this list of dad jokes you will never run out of good dad jokes to tell to your friends or family.

The Best Dad Jokes That Will Have The Whole Family Laughing

Dads are good at so much stuff, from teaching you how to use a drill to showing you how to play football, and everything in between. They provide a steady hand to hold and a strong shoulder to cry or lean on. And they do all this with that special sense of humor that we all know as "dad jokes".

What's a dad joke exactly? Well, it's usually that pun-heavy, can't-help-but-laugh type of one-liner joke that dads are best at delivering thanks to their vast life experience and dry wit.

Sure, there are better jokes our there, for example kids jokes, but we just can't help but laugh at the one-liner "too bad they're good" puns and jokes from our old man.