2. What did one toilet say to the other? You look a bit flushed.

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100 Jokes That Will Make Anyone Laugh

MAYA HILL · Jan 8, 2025

There's something about funny jokes that make people light up with excitement and giddiness, no matter their age. Everyone loves to make people laugh, but it's really more than that. It's also a form of connection on a social level with fellow friends and family. It also helps you grow your understanding of wit, timing, and language. The trouble is, it's easy to run out of jokes to tell - but no more, with this list of jokes you will never run out of good jokes to tell to your friends or family.

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Online-Jokes.com is an online repository for the best funny jokes, dad jokes, kids jokes, knock-knock jokes, and much more. We guarantee to provide laughter wherever you are!

The jokes on our website are hand-picked by our staff to ensure quality and laughter. Jokes are only funny if delivered correctly, and we will always aim to deliver jokes of the highest quality possible.